Database Teachings

I’m teaching again! Yesterday I’ve held the first lecture in the course“Databases: Implementation and Advanced Concepts” aka “Databases 2” forstudents of Health Care Engineering atFH-Joanneum

Yes, the title is a bit fancy. It is the second course concerningdatabases the students are taking. They’ve learned about SQL, relationaltheory, some database modelling topics (normalization etc.) in theprevious course. I’ll be talking about a whole lot if topics: indexing,transactions, concurrency issues, authorization, security issues,performance, error handling, and then some. While most of the coursewill deal with relational databases (I’ll be usingPostgreSQL for the practical work), I hopeI can make room for some non-relational systems as well. I’ve thoughtabout giving an intro to CouchDB, andabout Object-oriented databases, and maybe XML databasesystems. But then, the curriculum is quitecrammed as it is, and I’d rather have the topices treated thoroughlythen wedge in anything I can think of. Hope I can restrain myself :–)

The first lecture went quite well I think. Students were attentive andengaged in the discussion. I’ve been a bit fast with my material, and Ihave to take care that I don’t align my tempo with the faster studentsso everybody benefits. Anyway, I’ve got a feeling this is going to be agood course, and I’m really looking forward to the next lectures.
